May 24, 2021

Team GOD .... A Child's perspective of faith

 This a funny old reflection that came to my mind while reflecting on our spiritual struggles as humans with devils and the old souls we have that tempt us to chase and worry about shiny yet invaluable things in life.

I funnily saw it as game between god and the devil, between the old souls in us and the born of light souls that god would love to help us get. Between Superficial and short-term pleasures of life and the long-lasting inner peace, light, and joy of the same life.

In this game, the devil rebelled against god to prove that he can give happiness to humans and most importantly to prove to god that he put too much love and hope in a useless creature called humans.

Now, everyone of us is a target and a player in this game. You pick a team and either watch and cheer or you play for your team depending on your level of self awareness.

The fun part about this ongoing game is you can always change teams, the game is fair in that sense, they human players go wherever their consciousness and hearts tell them to go. The devil will always offer perks and bounces and so does god.

Anger, tough trials, painful experiences, and disappointment can lead you to leave god’s team for a bit or always. Forgiveness, genuine love, and repentance can bring you back to god’s team.   

I shifted teams a lot, I lacked enough faith and trust in god as a good loving coach under the stress of tough tests I failed because I was weak inside and untrained and yet thirsty. I thought he is too harsh in his ways to bring me from being just a team fan cheering to the field, I left many times. The devil offered me significant yet quickly evaporating pleasures “experiences”.

But even for a bad team player or fan, the memorable joys of cheering or playing for god never left me so I always ask to go back, and he never got upset or rejected me.

No god loves all his team players and supporters but a good player who scores or works hard to score against the darkness,  god will always support them, even when they do a bad move or they get in a bad accident while playing god will always want to keep them in and most importantly improve them to be a stronger humans and players in this eternal game.

Playing for both teams, let me tell you the difference between both coaches, The master of darkness is very pragmatic and ego centered, he doesn’t care whatsoever about his players or fans, he will exploit them with harmful drugs, painkillers and boosters to keep them playing and scoring even if it will kill their body and soul very quickly who cares. He consumes their hearts, and souls and consequently minds with illusions to go on and on.  

On the other hand, God is loving and caring, he will train and support while considering one’s capacity and current strength level, he is the god of broken hearts and tired souls, He heals, guides, and improves them. It’s a game and both teams are trying to win it, but as a loving caring coach god will never risk killing you for the game he will feed you healthy food and water, train your soul to be stronger against the hits from the other team , he will ask you not to destroy the souls of others including from the other team as you never know a lot of them like you might join at one point.   

As I’m hitting my 40 years old mark, I decided that I will do my best to be in god’s team, I’m so weak inside but that loving coach will always bet on those who feel weak and broken because once strengthened a lot of them become significant players in the game.

This reflection is very not theological or sophisticated, it’s a personal perspective I had when I was a child and I felt when it came back that a new young and cleansed spirit is re appearing inside of me. 

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